
Kessler family blog....

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Overbeke Updates

Well, Gracie just finished directing her show at the Cleveland Playhouse and she was completely sold out for both performances!

And I'm now home from Northwestern and made a movie while down there.

Mom just did a funny dance.

So we've all made our contributions to entertainment this summer.

well i'm quite busy with the college apps currently or else i'd write more.


Blogger Nim said...

You guys are a one-family arts festival! Good luck with the college apps- the main thing is to find a community that you like and that is a good fit for who you are; most of the rest is secondary. The Princeton Review puts out a book (or used to) that includes a lot of survey data from the students who go to different schools. We found it helpful when the girls were looking around.

8/28/2006 5:54 PM  
Blogger Nim said...

Update to my last comment: The Princeton Review puts out several books about colleges. I think the one I meant was: "Best 361 Colleges" They have another book (that I've never read) that covers all colleges. There is also a book by someone named Loren Pope called "40 Colleges That Make a Difference" that is pretty interesting to check out. Good luck with the college apps!

8/30/2006 5:20 PM  

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