
Kessler family blog....

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Locks of Love has my hair hostage!

So I made the bold move and finally cut my hair after growing it out for 2 solid years! I loved long hair on me, don't get me wrong. But I mostly loved it after it was nice and styled. All other occasions it caused me more trouble than it was worth. Tangling was the biggest issue. I simply couldn't figure out how to keep it from getting tangled and was losing more and more hair every time I had to untangle a massive rat's nest in the shower while using practically half a bottle of conditioner. My goal was to grow my hair out until I could donate it to locks of love, meaning a minimum of 10 inches of donation. I also was striving to get it longer than it had been since I was a wee little one and I accomplished that as well.

I went to Christy's hair stylist which turned out excellently. I would recommend her to anyone and everyone: Crystal at Joie de Vie on E 6th between Red River and IH 35. She made my remaining locks into an adorable funky, yet sophisticated bob with dark red, blonde, and my natural hair all interwoven together. I love it!

P.S. I only posted this so Rosa wouldn't feel so bad ;)

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Monday, January 22, 2007

Wow... I guess i really know how to drive everybody away... Are you there Kesslerville? It's me, Buzzkill Rosie.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Thumbs up to my cousin Henry for leading a really fun tour of the Metropolitan Museum of Art today. Henry, I hope you still remember me even when you become a famous curator. Its too bad we had to hang out with Booker character...