
Kessler family blog....

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

And because Gigi's clothes are cuter than mine...

It's time to show them off!
you can fill in your own caption

other less furry things...and some just as furry

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Party Time!!

Hey everyone,
Just a reminder, for those of you who may have forgotten. Today the 22nd of January marks the 3 month countdown until my 21st birthday party. To make sure everyone is up to date I have listed the party details below:
Where: Cincinnati, Ohio
When: April 21st-23rd
Time: We party all night (but you already knew that)
Anyone wishing to attend has a place to stay, and is more than welcome. I know what you are thinking. Am I really going to have a good time at this party? Is there any way this could possibly live up to the hype? Well I have had the same concerns as of late myself and decided to take action. I decided the only way to insure a good time will be had by all was to go to the source of all good times, our own Booker Kessler. Now I can say with complete confidence, and a signed affidavit from Booker, that this party will be one you don't want to miss. Hope to see you all soon.

Monday, January 16, 2006

Pippi sort of graduates sort of again

Even though Pippi graduated with her class last June, she didn't really graduate because she had one more semester to go. This last Thursday, Sara and I went to a semi-official reception that semi-celebrated the fact that Pippi had almost graduated, except that she won't really for another week or so, and won't get her diploma until March. So quasi-congratulations to Pippi on her pseudo-graduation! We knew that you could do it (assuming that by now you have done it)!(Or are about to do it!) We'll keep you posted.

Amazingly enough, someone in the audience was the spitting image of Avi Feldman! What are the odds against that?

We need the facts!

Shirl has just told me that Jamie Kessler and her boyfriend Brian are engaged. (She didn't say what they were engaged in, but this is a very high-toned blog and we aren't going to speculate.) Mazel tov to them both; Jamie may want to make sure that Brian doesn't read Kesslerville until after they are married, or at least make sure that he doesn't read the jokes.

In other news: Katy and Romy/Estavantito -- What's up with this name changing? You can't just leave the Kesslerville readership up in the air about this. When did the name change? Where are the pictures of the name-changing ceremony and/or party? Does this mean we can change Rebel's name?

This is a lot of news for one post. That's why I put Pippi and Avi Feldman in a completely separate post. Avi was muttering about changing his name to Chris, but that seems unlikely.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

shaggy hot dog story

A West Virginia anthracite miner tripped as he entered a shop that sells cured meats. He began swearing so vociferously that the other patrons tried to calm him down with some gentle, down- home was a fine example of delicate teasing dealing with coal cuss.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

see where most of Jim's photos come from.....

I've always wondered where Jim goes to take his photos. The place was featured on a Jay Leno show....if you'd like to see more click on the following: It might be a good venue for the next family meeting.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

How to post on Kesslerville

Beth asked for a refresher on how to post to the blog. Go to and sign in, using your screen name and password. When you sign in, you should see "Kesslerville" listed as a choice (probably your only choice, unless you belong to other blogs), and you will see a green plus-shaped icon under the heading "New Post". Click on the green plus and you will get a new window. This window should have a little box that says "Title", and a white space below that, inside a beige frame, in which you can write your post. When you are finished, click the orange box that says "Publish Post."

[If you want to post a photo, click on the little snapshot icon at the top of the beige frame where you compose your post, and follow the instructions. This will open a new window that will let you add a photo. Don't close this "add a photo" window until you get a blue box that says "Done"]

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Chanukah in Youngstown

Here are some pictures of our trip to Youngstown, which was disrupted by a series of "Free Avi Feldman" demonstrations.