Beth asked for a refresher on how to post to the blog. Go to and sign in, using your screen name and password. When you sign in, you should see "Kesslerville" listed as a choice (probably your only choice, unless you belong to other blogs), and you will see a green plus-shaped icon under the heading "New Post". Click on the green plus and you will get a new window. This window should have a little box that says "Title", and a white space below that, inside a beige frame, in which you can write your post. When you are finished, click the orange box that says "Publish Post."
[If you want to post a photo, click on the little snapshot icon at the top of the beige frame where you compose your post, and follow the instructions. This will open a new window that will let you add a photo. Don't close this "add a photo" window until you get a blue box that says "Done"]