
Kessler family blog....

Monday, May 22, 2006

Weekend Activities

Aunt Mollie continues her full speed ahead plans for her return home. This weekend saw her attending Ellyanna's year-end ballet performance, shopping for shower curtains and other necessities for Bubbe Sara's apartment, overseeing the pool clean-up, and otherwise directing the show at her house. She fully intends to cook for Shabbos dinner at home this Friday night.

Aunt Dorothy continues to have her good times and bad. Saturday morning was very difficult for her, but by the time we went to see her she was up, dressed, and feeling much better. By Sunday she was doing much better still. It's amazing what the effect of the ministrations of the good Doctor Arlynne Mulne will have. She is due to have a breathing test done today and Lynnie is hopeful that, if it proves out OK, she might be able to go home soon.

OK, Kesslerville Blogsters, you have your assignment - everyone send your good karma towards Heritage Manor so that we can bring home its two most illustrious residents as soon as possible.


Blogger rosa said...

my good karma was sent at 11:58am today! It should get there by this evening if not sooner...

5/23/2006 1:03 PM  

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