
Kessler family blog....

Thursday, July 27, 2006

More pictures - with eyes!

She has opened her eyes. Behold:

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

My very first post!

So I've let all you have your fun for much too long now without adding anything. I think it's time I give a brief montage of the events since college, so here goes!

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Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Inspired by Rosa

All of Rosa's photos inspired me to add two more: A view from the hike Sara and I took this weekend, and a view of Rosa from her last visit.

Monday, July 24, 2006

here's the bat mitzvah girls

so here's some more recent pictures from lily's bat-mitzvah, also off of my dad's camera. Also - there is a picture of Ben Kessler arriving in western mass for me and pippi's summer camp (he's there right now)

photo catch up

so i think there have been a bunch of events which never got enough photos posted... I just copied a bunch of pictures off my dad's camera and found all sorts of pictures from different kessler events all spring/summer... obviously none of the pictures will be as cute as charlotte, but I thought I should post what I could find. so here's some lucie's bat mitzvah, some kesslers in israel, and whatever else I can find that seems like it could go on kesslerville.
p.s. wow, charlotte is soooo cute!!!

Friday, July 21, 2006

Aunt Dorothy

Aunt Dorothy came home today. She is still feeling pretty weak, but Grandma Shirl said that she had a good night last night. Hopefully, some good home cooking and the news of baby Charlotte's arrival will be the just what the Dr. (Arlynne) ordered.

The Next Generation

She is here.

Charlotte Lauren Derrow
July 20th, 2006, 6:09 pm
9 lbs, 5.2 ounces (oh yeah)
20.75 inches
Totally awesome.

Here are some pictures. Woohoo!

Monday, July 17, 2006

Aunt Dorothy Update

When Henry and I went to see Aunt Dorothy yesterday she was feeling pretty nauseous and Lynnie said that she didn't have a very good night last night. However, Grandma Shirl saw her today and she said she was doing much better and her spirits were good.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

The Intrepid Travelers

Here we are in Hershey, PA in front of the giant white chocolate Hershey kiss.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

The Lilies

Announcing the Lilie awards for 2006:

For best original comment......Moses Heberlein!!!!

"What, you mean Jesus was Jewish?????"

For best adaptation of an obscure cultural reference......Nim Kessler!!!!!!!

Hillel: And, if you look here you can see the support columns that remain from King
Herod's Turkish bath.

Nim: Yes, it was here that Herod wrote his most popular country and western hit:
"Send me the pillars that you steam on."

Nim and Moses would like to thank the Academy and all of their fans.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Into the sunset rode.....Cranzo!

This is another scene from Debbie's Moshav. There is a companion photo, which someone should post, which shows off the outstanding donkey-leading technique (by me) that was amusing Sara....

Sunday, July 09, 2006

A picture for Rosa

Rosa asked for more Israel pictures. It takes a long time to post them, but here is one more until we can figure out how to get them up on a web site (Josh has volunteered a location, so we'll see if that works.) This is a photo of assorted Kesslerim on the top of Masada. If there was a speech bubble, it would show us all saying "Why didn't we take the cable car?!"

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Dateline: Israel

The Holy Land has survived invasion, natural disasters, political crises and religious infighting, but after Lil '06 -- The Bat Mitzvah -- it may never be the same. We will individually and collectively tell the whole story soon, with photos, more often than anyone will want to hear it, but in the meantime, here is an appetizer, taken on Debbie and Ezra's moshav in the Negev. The temperature was approximately 110 degrees Fahrenheit, but because of the low humidity, it only felt like 43 degrees centigrade. The camel asked that its name be withheld. See everyone soon.