L'Shana Tovah
L'Shana Tovah to everyone! This year promises to be one of new beginnings for a lot of us - Ms. Shoshie goes to Washington, Ari bringing new meaning to the Love Boat, Jonah (Rev Tuviah) and Julia, maybe even a Figure Ground tour. Wishing all of you a year of health, happiness and peace and unbridled success in all the new endeavors.
I'm just aiming for bridled success. I'm trying to be realistic...
Hi All!
I thought I would use this opportunity to clarify for some of you the CongressMAN I am working for cause my mom says some of you told her it was a woman! Anyway - his name is Marion Berry and NO, he is not the former mayor of DC. He is a pharmacist/farmer from Arkansas, a bluedog democrat, and just a generally good southern GUY. I am his health legislative aide/policy advisor.
Hope that clears the air a little!
Come visit me!
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