
Kessler family blog....

Friday, October 05, 2007

Josh may have sent this to you already, but if not, here's a chance to put democracy to work.

Here is the info that Josh sent to me:

Hello All,
Recently, I entered the Alternative Pick, Alt Pick Awards Contest. There are two types of awards for the contest; one juried and one people’s choice. The images I entered are selected from a ten part series I did for AARP. Photographed in ten cities over two weeks, from Alaska to Puerto Rico, fifteen planes, eight rental cars, king crab to chili relleno, countless cups of coffee, amazing people and amazing stories. For this assignment a parka shared space in my backpack with flip flops and produced some of the best photographs of my career.

The voting is open to anyone so vote for me, tell all of your friends to vote for me and coerce your friends and neighbors to do the same.

head to:

Some helpful hints (from Nim), based on my effort to cast a vote:

When you go to the website, in order to vote, you have to *register*. Go to the link that says "register to judge." There will be a login form (with blanks for user name and password). Below the login, on the same page, you should see a form to register. The form makes it seem that you are registering to enter the contest, but the registration is really for voting only.

When you log in, go to the "Judging" section. The entries are divided by category. You want the "photography" "series" section. Also, Josh has discovered that the entries are reshuffled each time someone votes, so his entry could be anywhere from #1 to # 157. Look for the title, "Financial makeover," and a photo thumbnail of two people standing in front of some western mountain scenery. :

To vote: after you have found Josh's photo series in the "Judging" section, click on the thumbnail photo, then click on "nominate this entry". Go back to the judging section and it should say "1 nomination" next to "Photo" "Series". Click on the "Voting" link, and give Josh "first place". Submit your vote, and Voila! the voice of the people will be heard.

Go Josh!


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