
Kessler family blog....

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

melody lanes

This is no Lucie Pearl Bat Mitzvah, and it's no Oren 2006, but I'd still like to mention that I will be going bowling on Thursday.

March 23rd
Melody Lanes
461 37th St.
Brooklyn, NY

All family members welcome.

Stairway to the Stars

Aunt Mollie greeted me yesterday with the proud pronouncement that she had done three steps up and three steps down. Nest thing you know, she's going to be doing a duet with Mr. Bojangles.

On another note, I don't know about the rest of you out in the hinterland, but us Youngstownians are getting mighty excited about Lucia Pearl's impending gala (it's not Cincinnati and the fraternity house couches, but it will certainly do for now).

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

All the News All the Time

Aunt Mollie greeted her visitors yesterday by triumphantly showing them that, not only does she have feeling back in right leg, she is now able to lift her right leg off of the bed. It took all of my powers of persuasion to convince her that she will not be able to get a spot on Dancing with the Stars until next year.

I will be travelling so I may not be able to post any updates for the rest of the week, but keep the cards and letters coming she loves them.

Monday, March 13, 2006

Who is Hundred Dollar Handshake???

Hey everyone,
I thought I would try and interupt all the chaos with a little something... I have on my computer what is hopefully the first of many Hundred Dollar Handshake music video's. For those not in the know, Hundred Dollar Handshake is my new band. I was hoping I could upload the video on to the blog for all to see however, I seem to be running into some technical difficulties. If anyone can explain to me
a. how to upload a window media player file onto a post or
b. how to put a windows media player file online and connect a post to the online site it would be great.
Love and Thanks

P.S. - 40 days till my 21st birthday =)

Sunday, March 12, 2006

One More Saturday Night

The title of this posting has nothing to do with anything, but it's an enormous amount of pressure to keep coming up with clever titles for the postings and no one has ever accused me of being clever. Therefore, despite the fact that this is a report on Saturday afternoon's visit, I thought that I would at least please Brother Dave with a Grateful Dead reference.

Therapy continues to wipe her out, but she seems to be handling it well. She is determined to work her way through all of this - in typical fashion, she is already making plans for Pesach (no one is going to tell her that she's not going to be ready to host 3,000 people by then).

Anyhow, Aunt Mollie was absolutely thrilled when Shoshi and Avi walked into her room. As an editorial aside, I think it's magnificent that they took the bulk of their weekend to come up here to see her (they turned out OK, maybe Sherrie isn't such a bad parent after all). After she visited with them for a bit, Ronnie came in with all the latest scoop on the upcoming nuptuals. He also said that he was on his way to see Aunt Justine in her new digs, where she is doing well and is very happy. So, good news all the way around from Ron which is something that is quite welcome these days.

Friday, March 10, 2006

Aunt Mollie - Thursday

Aunt Mollie is continuing with her therapy. It's exhaustive, but she remains very positive. She appreciates all of the cards, flowers (what, no brisket?) and phone calls. Sparky Mark and Karen Chooch are in town for a few days which, as you can imagine, is also a big emotional boost for her.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

St. E's Address

For inquiring minds: St. Elizabeth Health Center, 1044 Belmont Ave., Youngstown, OH 44504.

I didn't get to go see Aunt Mollie yesterday. My Mom said that she was doing well, but she was pretty much exhausted from the therapy. I will update after I see her next.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006


Aunt Mollie is making good progress. She began therapy yesterday. Her speech is improving and she says that she's beginning to get a little feeling on her right side. She's got her mind set on getting better quickly and we all know what it means when Aunt Mollie gets her mind set on something. Her visiting hours are 4-8 pm.

As for Shoshi's request for my phone number - I'm not in the habit of giving my phone number out to just any beautiful woman (only because no beautiful woman has ever before asked for it), but I'll make an exception in this case - 330-759-3170 or if you can't get me there you can check with Suzanne at the store at 330-758-0057.

Monday, March 06, 2006

News from St. E's

Aunt Mollie looked great yesterday. Her speech continues to improve and she said that she is beginning to regain some feeling on her right side (at least that was what I thought she meant when she told me that I was a pain in the ass). She is going to be moved to the Rehab unit today.

Friday, March 03, 2006

Aunt Mollie Redux

Aunt Mollie had another restful night last night. She still is in ICU and hasn't been moved to her new room. They intend to begin therapy today. I saw her yesterday at lunchtime and she was still in good spirits. As you might expect, Mom and I had to wait for 15 or 20 minutes to get in to see her because it was standing room only in her room. Obviously, she is not letting this minor episode get in the way of her entertaining. She is thrilled to hear the regards from everyone.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Aunt Mollie Update

I just hung up the phone with Sandy and he gave a good report on Aunt Mollie. She had a good night and her vital signs have been stable for two days now. They are going to move her out of the ICU unit that she is in as soon as a bed becomes available in the other unit. I saw her yesterday and she was in good spirits, was bright, and, per her usual, guided the conversation. Also, per usual, she has already charmed the entire hospital staff and has started a guerilla movement to take over the food service. In lieu of flowers, she has requested that everyone send brisket.