
Kessler family blog....

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

L'Shana Tova

Suzanne, Henry and I would like to wish all of the Clan a healthy, happy New Year. We hope it is one of unbridled successes and unlimited joy. And, most of all, don't forget - it will be the year of the party of the century: April, Cincinnatti, fraternity house couches, the O-Man - be there!

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

More photos from Nim's New York Visit

I made an excellent post with more photos from my New York trip, but then the computer ate it, so I'm trying again.
Included in the photos are the Empire State Building, which is famous because Rosa and Oren once went to the top floor (I think); a photo of Josh, Beth, Rosa, Pippi and someone who looks a lot like Avi Feldman; a photo of Rosa and her identical twin; photos of Rosa with her room mates Clara (air cooking) and Diane (voguing); Reb; Vincent's Clam Bar sign; and the famous Connecticut Muffin shop, which may be the worst name ever for a muffin place. It just sounds rude. Anyhow, I had a good time visiting everyone and sharing the photos. Where has everyone else been lately?

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Ben's Best

There's an old saying: If you don't want to start an argument, don't discuss religion, politics or pastrami. Opinions about the best pastrami sandwich ever are a personal thing, extremely personal, and we must each leave to others the freedom to hold their own ideal pastrami sandwich sacred. (In Canada, they say it's not pastrami, it's "smoked meat", but I think that's getting into politics.) So let me just say this: Ben's pastrami is not to be taken lightly. It's a contender. It's making a strong statement, deli-wise. Or as Josh put it, "It's definitely not the worst pastrami sandwich you've ever eaten." But whatever you think about the pastrami, you've got to have good things to say about the kishka and the stuffed cabbage.
I didn't include the photo of the chopped liver so that this blog could remain suitable for all ages. I'll leave the controversial photos to Romy (you go, girl).

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Lilly's Bat Mitzvah

Just wanted to R.S.V.P......Yes, I do plan to attend Lilly's Bat Mitzvah in spite of the great distance I'll have to travel.

Monday, December 05, 2005


The Lily Heberlein Bat Mitzvah tour will be in Jerusalem somewhere in the general vicinity of the week from June 28 to July 3. Sarah (Cheech) Kessler, a very well-known society dame, is exploring whether there would be any interest in organizing a Kesslerville group travel deal to fly from New York to Jerusalem for the big event. Hanah Kessler has told the Kesslerville staff that she knows of two outstanding Jerusalem-based tour guides who might be available during that week, but she wouldn't say who they were (she seems to be protecting her sources). Anyhow, if you think you might be interested in going to Israel this summer, give Cheech a call. There is no commitment, and no salesman will call, but if you don't think fast, you might get an aliyah (just kidding). If enough of us are available at the right times, we can see if we can get a group rate from one of the airlines.
Next year in Jerusalem!

Sunday, December 04, 2005


Where is the new news? I've been waiting for a report on the Sandy and Chaya Thanksgiving party, or Thanksgiving day itself at Big Shirl's (was there turkey? was there brisket? people want to know!), or Rosa's new job, or Sandy's new job, or whatever. I admit that I've been a little slow posting things myself. For instance, here's a picture of Pippi getting on a train. Is that news, or what?

More on this later. Right now, Sara wants to go out and have an adventure. (We might even go to the CVS. Is our life exciting, or what?)