Kessler family blog....
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Thank you boys and girls for sending your good Karma by way of Heritage Manor. Aunt Mollie made a triumphant return home (see companion story) and Aunt Dorothy is feeling strong enough to attend Ronnie and Linda's party (see Romy's report) and to go to the movies with Sherrie. We're hoping that she will be able to return home soon. Keep the good Karma flowing!
FDA Reports Spike in Calorie Consumption
Youngstown (AP) - In response to reporters' questioning as to the cause of the substantial increase in consumption of calories in Youngstown, Ohio for the month of May, the FDA stated that there is no cause for alarm. The Agency released the following statement: "Although there was a 16,000% increase for the month, our investigation has shown that this is entirely due to a spike in consumption on May 26, 2006. Further review showed that this spike coincided with the return of Mollie Kessler to her kitchen and that the total increase for the month can be attributed to that one day and also to only one street, Cranberry Run Drive, the site of her kitchen."
Sunday, May 28, 2006
family fun
well since i was deemed as "the queen of kesslerville" i suppose its appropriate to say, "let them eat cake!"
and so we did. along with brownies, ice cream, and tiramisu.
a big birthday celebration was had tonight and aunt linda and uncle ronnies house. i was rather tired but i'll share with you what i can recall.
there seems to be a problem with jamie's brian joining the family. and that problem is that there is already a brian in the family, and its only a matter of time until confusion ensues. well, we figured that enough people change their names in this family that it wouldnt hurt for one more. so if you'd like to submit a new name for jamie's brian feel free. here are some of the ones we came up with:
Mr. Bill
Sir Bill
Little Bill (already taken...and rather ironic)
and Georgio. its about time our family had a Georgio.
okay, picture time!
me and henry were gossiping about desperate housewives. this was taken shortly after someone explained to me that cocaine is not, in fact, a liquid.
and then i was made fun of for explaining that when eating outside, i only drink clear liquid so that i know if bugs get in it. it seems silly i know, but ya know what? a bug got in my drink. a bug that i would have swallowed had i been drinking something dark. ::enter obvious 'bug juice' joke::
Golum, Dobie, or Gracie? Grandmama went with Golum.
daniel and Georgio
not that theyre both sitting the same way or anything...
this was taken at the Melting Pot. they had what i liked to call "little mini pitchforks" to dip things in fondue with, and that inspired Gracie and Max's version of "American Gothic."
this is an empty plate that once contained things to dip in the fondue pot. i took this picture to show off that this time when a part of the kessler family had fondue together, we managed to finish without setting the table on fire. (if you havent heard that story yet i suggest you ask about it. although at this point its pretty self explanatory.)
this is max. i thought he was part mexican until i was about 13. it was then i realized that i'm not mexican, and hes my first cousin, and uncle eric isnt mexican, so i must have just made that up myself. but to honor my past beliefs, i got him a shirt that says "Mexico" on it in big letters.
oh yes, and chloe tried scotch for the first time tonight. i didnt take a picture so i'll just try to describe it to you.
and we all had a good laugh. and then pondered how chloe knew what drinking gasoline was like.
and so we did. along with brownies, ice cream, and tiramisu.
a big birthday celebration was had tonight and aunt linda and uncle ronnies house. i was rather tired but i'll share with you what i can recall.
there seems to be a problem with jamie's brian joining the family. and that problem is that there is already a brian in the family, and its only a matter of time until confusion ensues. well, we figured that enough people change their names in this family that it wouldnt hurt for one more. so if you'd like to submit a new name for jamie's brian feel free. here are some of the ones we came up with:
Mr. Bill
Sir Bill
Little Bill (already taken...and rather ironic)
and Georgio. its about time our family had a Georgio.
okay, picture time!
me and henry were gossiping about desperate housewives. this was taken shortly after someone explained to me that cocaine is not, in fact, a liquid.
and then i was made fun of for explaining that when eating outside, i only drink clear liquid so that i know if bugs get in it. it seems silly i know, but ya know what? a bug got in my drink. a bug that i would have swallowed had i been drinking something dark. ::enter obvious 'bug juice' joke::
Golum, Dobie, or Gracie? Grandmama went with Golum.
daniel and Georgio
not that theyre both sitting the same way or anything...
this was taken at the Melting Pot. they had what i liked to call "little mini pitchforks" to dip things in fondue with, and that inspired Gracie and Max's version of "American Gothic."
this is an empty plate that once contained things to dip in the fondue pot. i took this picture to show off that this time when a part of the kessler family had fondue together, we managed to finish without setting the table on fire. (if you havent heard that story yet i suggest you ask about it. although at this point its pretty self explanatory.)
this is max. i thought he was part mexican until i was about 13. it was then i realized that i'm not mexican, and hes my first cousin, and uncle eric isnt mexican, so i must have just made that up myself. but to honor my past beliefs, i got him a shirt that says "Mexico" on it in big letters.
oh yes, and chloe tried scotch for the first time tonight. i didnt take a picture so i'll just try to describe it to you.
and we all had a good laugh. and then pondered how chloe knew what drinking gasoline was like.
Monday, May 22, 2006
Weekend Activities
Aunt Mollie continues her full speed ahead plans for her return home. This weekend saw her attending Ellyanna's year-end ballet performance, shopping for shower curtains and other necessities for Bubbe Sara's apartment, overseeing the pool clean-up, and otherwise directing the show at her house. She fully intends to cook for Shabbos dinner at home this Friday night.
Aunt Dorothy continues to have her good times and bad. Saturday morning was very difficult for her, but by the time we went to see her she was up, dressed, and feeling much better. By Sunday she was doing much better still. It's amazing what the effect of the ministrations of the good Doctor Arlynne Mulne will have. She is due to have a breathing test done today and Lynnie is hopeful that, if it proves out OK, she might be able to go home soon.
OK, Kesslerville Blogsters, you have your assignment - everyone send your good karma towards Heritage Manor so that we can bring home its two most illustrious residents as soon as possible.
Aunt Dorothy continues to have her good times and bad. Saturday morning was very difficult for her, but by the time we went to see her she was up, dressed, and feeling much better. By Sunday she was doing much better still. It's amazing what the effect of the ministrations of the good Doctor Arlynne Mulne will have. She is due to have a breathing test done today and Lynnie is hopeful that, if it proves out OK, she might be able to go home soon.
OK, Kesslerville Blogsters, you have your assignment - everyone send your good karma towards Heritage Manor so that we can bring home its two most illustrious residents as soon as possible.
Sunday, May 21, 2006
Sunday, May 14, 2006
Comings and Goings
Aunt Dorothy has moved from Northside to Heritage Manor. She has a big room with a great view of the courtyard. She obviously is not thrilled to be there, but she recognizes that she needs to build her strength before she can think about going home. Considering everything, she's still in good spirits and staying positive. She was able to get up out of bed briefly yesterday and will start therapy tomorrow.
Aunt Mollie is a woman on the move. She has been going home for Shabbos dinner regularly as well as to an occasional trip to a restaurant. Today she is going with Sandy, Chaya and the gang to Columbus for Ari's senior recital! The target date for going home is May 25 and she can't wait.
Aunt Mollie is a woman on the move. She has been going home for Shabbos dinner regularly as well as to an occasional trip to a restaurant. Today she is going with Sandy, Chaya and the gang to Columbus for Ari's senior recital! The target date for going home is May 25 and she can't wait.
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Aunt Dorothy - Tuesday
Yesterday was another up and down day for Aunt Dorothy. Henry and Marnie went to see her after school and she did not seem to be doing well. She had a bad cough and was floating in and out of the conversation. However, by the time Suzanne and I got there at around 5:30 she was up and eating her dinner. She seemed a little woozy, but she was glad to see Suzanne and had a nice (albeit short) chat with her. She was thrilled that Sol had come to check on her and that definitely picked her up. I won't get to see her tonight (Henry's band concert!) but I will update as soon as I can.
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Aunt Dorothy Monday Visit
I saw Aunt Dorothy last night. She had had a rough morning, but was doing much better by the time I got there. She was back on oxygen, but she said that she was feeling significantly better than she had been earlier. As always, she was upbeat (where are Jeff Kutash and the Upbeat dancers?) and made us laugh. She said that Sol was coming today (Tues.) to check in on her and to talk to her doctors so she was pretty excited about that. Dr. Derrow to the rescue!!! I'll update soon.
Monday, May 08, 2006
Aunt Dorothy Update
I saw Aunt Dorothy yesterday. She was in good spirits and doing significantly better than the day before - her color was good, she had a good appetite, and she was not having difficulty breathing (and, as a result, talking). Lynne and Sherrie were there and we had a delightful visit. I'm not sure how long they expect her to stay in the hospital, but I'll try to keep you all updated.
Can I interest you in a Mimi
You think Wendy had a good deal for you? For a limited time only we are selling raffle tickets for the ultimate prize! The cost is only $8.13 per ticket and there will only be 100 tickets sold, so your chance of winning is great! And, if you are the lucky winner, you will win Mimi Berkowitz!
Thursday, May 04, 2006
I have a dream
I have a dream. That one day in Cincinnati there will be too many Kessler's too count, too many grilled chesse sandwhiches to eat, and a Waffel House on every corner. I have a dream. That when one man says let's sit around a bucket for three hours while watching the movie Crash, people will come. That when Big Boy is offered only after everyone has been filled with Skyline Chillie and Waffel House hash browns there will not be a man, women, or child who will not head the call. I have a dream...
Finally after all of the anticipation and talk I have turned 21. The party has come and past and just now am I starting to fully recover. However, as I recover I can not help but think about some of the question that where never answered for instance;
If we would have taken the time to go to Sonic would the milkshakes really have been that good?
Is there really any better reason to go to Kentucky than to sit 6 in a Waffel House booth made for four?
Many might wonder what exactly is Nick's Bucket Bragade?
What would the party have been like with Josh Kessler?
Why don't polka bands know how to play AC/DC?
How does one get to Covington, Kentucky?
But, I feel all of these questions are better left unanswered. And we must always remeber, that there is always next year. 22 on the 22nd??? Anybody interested?
Thank you to everyone who attended my birthday it was truly special!!
Finally after all of the anticipation and talk I have turned 21. The party has come and past and just now am I starting to fully recover. However, as I recover I can not help but think about some of the question that where never answered for instance;
If we would have taken the time to go to Sonic would the milkshakes really have been that good?
Is there really any better reason to go to Kentucky than to sit 6 in a Waffel House booth made for four?
Many might wonder what exactly is Nick's Bucket Bragade?
What would the party have been like with Josh Kessler?
Why don't polka bands know how to play AC/DC?
How does one get to Covington, Kentucky?
But, I feel all of these questions are better left unanswered. And we must always remeber, that there is always next year. 22 on the 22nd??? Anybody interested?
Thank you to everyone who attended my birthday it was truly special!!